RESOURCE - 15 min read

Legacy bookkeeping systems might be slowing your growth

Here's what you can do about it. Getting outside your comfort zone and starting the transition from your hard drive to the cloud.

August 20, 2024

Most of us have heard the colloquialism, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” All too often, people use this as a reason not to repair or replace something that’s not performing as it should, but still seems to get the job done. 

When we’re talking about whether you should consider replacing the legacy bookkeeping software that’s potentially slowing your growth, defying “tradition” is likely the better path forward. Waiting until an inevitable product sunset or personnel change forces your hand could have disastrous consequences if you have: 

  • A technical problem with a product that’s no longer supported 

  • A process challenge based upon complicated manual data collection or cross-system data entry 

  • A personnel issue with new staff who aren’t accustomed to working with legacy technology or manual processes

Hidden costs of your legacy accounting

Today's bookkeeping software can help you solve multiple problems with a single solution in terms of lowered costs, mitigated risks and increased efficiency. 

Your legacy system likely holds critical financial data and can: 

  • Be expensive to maintain 

  • Cause data silos 

  • Be difficult — and often impossible — to integrate with emerging technologies 

  • Add an unnecessary burden for the middle- and back-office in supporting the front office 

Settling for your tried and true on-premises bookkeeping software might seem like the path of least (or no) resistance, especially if you’ve restricted yourself with the sunk-cost fallacy. It’s understandable that you don’t want to abandon software you’ve invested in heavily over the years keeping up with updates, user licenses, integration and training. But if you only look through this lens, it’s hard to see that not pivoting to a replacement system could be a costly mistake. 

Try looking at this from the viewpoint of value instead of cost. Businesses often resist change because replacing a legacy system can temporarily introduce even more complexity. But the decision to break free from the inertia of a legacy system comes down to three questions around your people, processes and technology: 

  1. People: What's the opportunity cost of not having the right people with the right skills in place to meet the coming challenges? 

  2. Process: Why is it crucial to think about your processes holistically, and what’s your output-oriented approach? 

  3. Technology: What does it mean to transition from legacy software to new—and emerging—technology solutions? 

Let’s explore these as you’re evaluating what you can do to bring your bookkeeping function into the 21st century. 

1. People: Avoid the opportunity cost of not having the right people with the right skills 

People are your most important asset. While it’s essential to choose the right bookkeeping technology and design effective outcome-based automated processes, not having the right people model in place — or the right people with the right skills on your team — could have disastrous results.  

Legacy systems have been integral to your business; however, knowledge and proficiency often fades over time. If only a few people in your bookkeeping function can operate your systems or execute the processes necessary to use them, their departure (planned or unplanned) could expose your organization to “key person” risk. But it’s not enough to simply have sufficient resources; your people should have proficiency in both the technology you’ve chosen and the automated processes you’ve developed. 

Integrate digital skills-building into your culture. Staff burnout from spending day after day performing repetitive manual bookkeeping processes is not uncommon and can lead to the loss of your top performers. Replacing your legacy software, automating your processes and upskilling your staff can enable them to focus on more strategic work. In addition to increasing the efficiency of your back-office function, this can help you attract and retain talent. 

Technological change is expected to reduce demand for bookkeeping staff by 6% from 2022 to 2032. This doesn’t mean we won’t need bookkeepers in the future. During the same 10 years, there’s a projected increase in openings of 183,900 for these professionals each year resulting from the need to replace workers who transfer to other occupations or retire. 

The nature of the job is changing, and employees need to have the technology solutions, effective processes and relevant skills that can help them ride the waves of change.

You can’t move forward effectively if your people are looking backward

Imagine this: 

There was a growing custom frame and design shop located in the heart of their community’s redeveloped downtown shopping and entertainment district. Business was booming, but the desktop bookkeeping system they had used since the shop opened decades earlier was being sunset. 

It was time for a change. 

They thought they had done all the right things in their system implementation and process redesign: 

  • Replaced their software with a highly recommended cloud-based—and paperless—system 

  • Worked with their technology vendor and developed an end-to-end process 

  • Trained their bookkeeping staff on the new system and provided job aids 

They were ready to fly solo—or so they thought. But it was a disaster. 

What went wrong? 

  • The stakeholders moved from the design phase to execution before confirming that they had the right people with the right skills. 

  • They didn’t have buy-in from their bookkeeping staff who approached the new technology and process with the wrong mindset. 

  • Their long-time bookkeeper wasn’t ready to give up their manual process for paying vendor invoices.

2. Process: Think about your processes from end to end and create an output-oriented approach 

Are your processes standardized, streamlined and documented to enable cost-efficient bookkeeping operations? If something happens to a key member of your bookkeeping team, could someone else step in and get up to speed quickly? Or are you hindered by labor-intensive manual processes? What happens when your business takes a hit from unforeseen circumstances?

Outdated or inaccurate data, delayed collections and inefficient enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can limit the overall operational efficiency of your business. If you’re using manual processes, you don’t have ready access to real-time financial data, which can impact strategic decision making. 

If your bookkeeping function is spending time completing mundane tasks, you have less time to focus on core business activities. And this is probably costing you more in terms of your bookkeeping staff wasting time doing more work less efficiently and effectively. 

The purpose of automating bookkeeping processes isn’t necessarily to replace or reduce your back-office staff: 

  • Instead of focusing on inefficient manual processes, your people can focus on higher value tasks. 

  • Integration with other systems can help improve productivity and morale, while reducing manual and error-prone processes. 

  • Having increased control and visibility with automated processes can help you better measure the effectiveness of your bookkeeping function and pivot quickly, if needed. 

Timely, accurate bookkeeping is the foundation for trustworthy data that can help drive better decisions––faster. When you automate your bookkeeping processes and simplify workflows, you can better focus on your business—and be better prepared for anything.

Don’t wait too long to transition to cloud-based bookkeeping

Imagine this: 

You have a trusted bookkeeper who’s been with your business for decades, possibly even before you joined the company. 

They have “their system” in place, and it seems to have worked just fine for many years. But they’ve decided to retire and finally check off a few bucket list items. 

Before the big retirement bash, they’re going to train your new bookkeeper (or perhaps, bookkeepers, since no one—especially a single bookkeeper—could possibly fill their shoes) on their “tried-and-true” process. They’ve even promised to stay in touch in case your new bookkeeper has a question. 

Does this make sense for your business? 

What happens if: 

  • Your new bookkeeper can’t handle the old school manual process? 

  • They miss a step or pay the wrong vendor or the wrong amount? 

  • The software they were using in tandem with the process is sunset? 

 How do you get your invoices paid on time if your former bookkeeper is unavailable? 

3. Technology: Transition from legacy bookkeeping software to new—and emerging—technology  

Your bookkeeping solution should deliver both short- and long-term ROI. To support effective decision-making, you should have the ability to access your data in a reasonable amount of time, and siloed data can be a roadblock to accessing and analyzing this data. 

Today’s cloud-based bookkeeping software solutions use automation and business intelligence to make bookkeeping and billing more efficient, freeing your people for more value-added responsibilities. Organizations that rely on legacy systems and fragmented IT environments to gather and store data will fall behind faster

Replacing poor-quality data with data that’s useful, timely and reliable can help enable better decision making. In fact, a data-driven approach that leverages centralized technology platforms can: 

 Keep in mind that transformation is a group effort that requires buy-in from top to bottom (whether you’re a “mom and pop” shop or a multinational organization) to achieve a smooth—and worry-free—transition. Any serious commitment to digital investments requires beginning with the end in mind. Being outcomes obsessed about technology means that those at the top view it as a tool that serves the organization’s growth goals, rather than simply being a silver bullet. 

Can your bookkeeping technology help you weather the storms ahead—literally and figuratively?

Imagine this: 

Your bookkeeping process and technology might work fine for your business today, but what happens if: 

  • Your bookkeeper inherits some money—or wins the lottery—and quits? 

  • Your desktop software is sunset? 

  • You’re hit by a natural disaster? 

If your bookkeeper is still processing expense reports, sales, invoices and payroll manually (with paper receipts for everything), “old school” bookkeeping is probably costing you more than you think you’re saving. 

We get it. It’s not rocket science where a “simple” misplaced decimal point could mean disaster for a mission and crew, but even a “minor” bookkeeping mistake could be costly and jeopardize your business. And if your bookkeeping isn’t being managed safely in the cloud—or if your technology solution is sunset or not integrated with other systems: 

  • How safe is your business if your paper records are destroyed in a flood or storm? 

  • What if someone forgets to run a backup on your old desktop bookkeeping system? 

  • Do you have a contingency plan in place if your server fails or there’s a fire? 

  • Can you easily access your data for processing payroll and expense reports, paying invoices or running financial reports? 

  • If you need an immediate report, but it takes 15 days (or more) to process, will the data still be helpful—or relevant? 

You’re still required to have documentation to support your business even in the event of a disaster. Before you choose a bookkeeping technology solution and design a bookkeeping process, you should be able to articulate your desired outcome. Without a strategic vision, you risk missing the mark because “close” doesn’t count in bookkeeping. 

The benefits of transitioning from legacy systems 

Does anyone really miss the “good old days” of endless paper, manual calculations and old school solutions and processes? 

Business intelligence software combines business analytics with data mining, visualization solutions and infrastructure, along with industry leading practices to help you make data-driven decisions. And cloud technology delivers. In PwC’s 2023 Cloud Business Survey, 1,010 US business executives from public and private companies in six major industries were surveyed. They reported: 

  • Cost savings (92%) 

  • Improved resilience (93%) 

  • Increased agility (94%) 

  • Increased productivity (97%) 

  • Improved decision-making (100%) 

Change comes slowly when owners and staff become accustomed to legacy systems they’ve used for years. But if those systems fall short of your needs, your bookkeeping function must work harder to provide timely and accurate accounting and reporting. Your people might make heroic efforts to patch the holes in bookkeeping practices, but they won’t be able to keep outdated systems from costing you money. 

If you wait too long to act, you could end up rushing to update your legacy software after it fails. Even worse: Legacy bookkeeping solutions may not deliver the accurate financial information you need when you need it. 

Inertia is often the biggest roadblock to updating accounting practices and platforms. Embrace complexity and think holistically. Don’t let fear of the transition process hold you back. Choose a bookkeeping solution that includes fully supported migration to help you save money, add value, and avoid losing data or placing a drain on your staff during the transition.

Your accounting platform can do all this and more

Accounting insights are a quiet but invaluable driver of the health of any business. When you’re ready to supercharge your bookkeeping, it’s important to choose the right solution. It should provide the data you need to guide your company’s growth and profitability now, but also adapt as your business grows. 

Bookkeeping Connect, a PwC product, is an accounting platform backed by our more than 170 years of accounting experience. Our team supports the migration process, so your transition to modern, automated accounting can be seamless and painless. 

With a dashboard that gives you an immediate window into the financial health of your business, Bookkeeping Connect puts the data you need within easy reach, without waiting for manual reports and spreadsheets. It integrates with the financial solutions you use every day like your ERP system. And it provides reports in formats that help make it easy for your management team to grasp your company’s finances at a glance. 

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